Membership of the PCF

The PCF is grateful for the time, energy and expertise its members give to the Forum. We are also indebted to the financial support and expertise of our commercial members.

Membership currently comprises of 13 paediatricians and specialist nurses, with formal representation from: The Royal College of Nursing, The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, The School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA), The Community Practitioners’ and Health Visitors’ Association (CPHVA), ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity, and Bladder & Bowel UK.

The PCF currently has three commercial members: Coloplast Ltd, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and Kimberly-Clark Europe Ltd.

Our Chairs

(co-chair) Juliette Rayner 

Chief Executive, ERIC (The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity)

Juliette joined ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity as CEO in May 2015.  With the team, she has established a clear vision, strategic direction and secured financial sustainability for the charity. Under her leadership, Juliette enables the ERIC team to stay focussed on developing accessible, modern and relevant services and products. Juliette is currently the Paediatric Workstream led on the NHSE-led National Bladder and Bowel Programme, Joint-Chair of the Paediatric Continence forum and Children’s lead on the Bladder and Bowel Confidence Health Integration Team, led by Bristol Health Partners.

Prior to this, Juliette spent 4 years as CEO of Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust and Enterprises in Bristol, leading a team of staff and volunteers to generate new income streams and opportunities for the community to enjoy the green urban landscape, steeped in history.

Before venturing into the voluntary and community sector, Juliette spent many years in public services working at national, regional and community level. Much of her policy and performance experience has been across multi-agency programmes including Local Strategic Partnerships, Drug and Alcohol Action Teams and Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships.

(co-chair) Davina Richardson

Children’s Specialist Nurse, Bladder & Bowel UK

Davina is a children’s specialist nurse, who has been working at Bladder & Bowel UK, a national charity under the umbrella of Disabled Living, for more than eight years.  She has experience nursing children in both the acute and community sectors of the NHS and worked for some years with children who have complex health needs and disabilities.

Davina set up and then ran a community children’s continence service in the NHS for over 10 years. This provided assessment and treatment for children with constipation and soiling, as well as daytime wetting, night-time wetting, delayed toilet training and provision of continence containment products to children who were unable to toilet train.

Davina is a member of a number of professional groups and is paediatric advisor to the Association for Continence Advice.  She has spoken nationally on bladder and bowel issues in children and young people at events for families and at conferences and symposia for healthcare professionals. She has published articles about childhood continence issues in respected peer reviewed journals.

Clinical Members

Obi Amadi

Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association representative

Kim Baker

Wales clinical representative

Elaine Baptiste

Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association representative

Bala Eradi

British Association of Paediatric Surgeons representative

Kathryn Evans

British Association of Paediatric Urologists representative

Anna Hancock

Royal College of Nursing Bladder and Bowel Forum representative

Carol Joinson

Representative for research

Claire Lindsay

British Association of Paediatric Urology and Continence Nurses representative

Jean McCracken

Northern Ireland clinical representative

Catriona Morrison

Scotland representative; Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health representative

Sharon White

School and Public Health Nurses Association representative

Company Members

Coloplast Ltd

Hannah Gagen

Head of Government Affairs and Patient Advocacy

Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Lucy Murphy

Product Manager, Urology Portfolio

Kimberly-Clark Europe Ltd

Burcu Kolancali Sartor

Child Care EMEA Marketing Manager

If you are interested in joining the PCF or finding out more information, please contact: or on 020 3855 5760.